
Sun, Sand, Stars and Dreams

The chronicles of a misfit Indian teen



Some happiness and awesome fusion music!

Hello lovely people!

I’m back after another unintentional disappearing act. I’m much better now. I did what I thought was the best possible way to recover from another low in life: immerse myself in a lot of work.
Yes, I am a kind of a workaholic at times and pretty lazy at others.
This time, I took up a virtual internship, started volunteering at this place to teach English to underprivileged kids, and participated in this amazing MUN. But the being-busy thing did work. I am really a lot more content with life, although I can’t say that I am super happy. Things have been going at an all-time low for me. From emotional drama, to having a best friend who seems to be falling into some kind of mental illness but who lives way too far away to actually comfort her, and losing out on everything. It was a pretty bad month for me. But, it was also a month of lessons.
I’ve emerged happier though. Or at least I seem to be in a sort of happier point today.

Like I usually post, I have an exam tomorrow. Not a major one, but an exam nonetheless.

This post was actually supposed to be about the awesomesauceness of this band.
They are an Indian fusion band who have played the soundtracks of nearly every amazing thing that there is. (Harry Potter, GoT, Sherlock, Pirates of the Caribbean!)
I stumbled upon them quite randomly and I was hooked.
They don’t have a lot of videos on their YouTube channel, just about 5 or 6. But, I was swept off my feet.
There are a lot of fusion covers, and then there is the Indian Jam Project. They are totally a class apart.
I am someone who grew up in a South Indian family, though living outside India, was pretty proud of their roots. That means, I grew up listening to a lot of Indian classical music, both vocal and instrumental. Just listening to the Indian Jam Project’s covers made me relive my childhood. Especially the Harry Potter one. Two things that made my childhood, Harry Potter and good music.

I am not the best singer or instrumentalist, but I do have a weakness for good music.

I’ve been having their covers on a loop right now. All through writing this blog post and trying to study for my exam.

Okay. Enough of my raving.
This is the Harry Potter one.

Do listen to it. It’s pretty amazing! I got goosebumps and happy tears after listening to it. :’)

The Sherlock one.


P.S. This is the first time I am putting up a song/music video/band which I loved. Tell me what you guys think. Should I continue this or not?

Also, if there are any other beautiful covers or any music that you like, please do share in the comments box below! I would love to listen to more new music. 🙂

Sherlock Season 3, for the uninitiated. a.k.a. Annoying Spoilers (The Fandom Chronicles, Part #1)

No! No! Before you avert your eyes and skip to the next post, because you haven’t watched the first episode of Sherlock Season 3, I assure you that this post contains no spoilers.
Mostly because I haven’t watched it myself.

So, it didn’t air in the place I live and I don’t think it’s there online yet. So I haven’t watched it. Also because I was caught up with exams and stuff for senior year and I thought of reducing time I spend watching TV and reading novels.
But, now I am forced to avoid all social media, and my phone as well, for fear of Sherlock spoilers.
In fact, I logged out of Facebook and didn’t log in for a record THREE days (and counting!)
Because if there is one thing that I hate the most (apart from Dentists and Chemistry, obviously), it is a spoiler!

If I thought all my spoiler-o-phobia will reach a fever pitch, only if I log into social media, I was sorely mistaken.
I was reading the newspaper as usual, when I came across an article about Sherlock. I loved finding news about my fandoms in the local newspaper.
I continued reading, thinking nothing much would be given away, since it was the local paper and it hadn’t aired here till now.
But, I reached the part where it went,”The plot revolves…..”
Eeeeeeeaaaaaaaccccchhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! SPOILERS!
I flung the paper as far as it could go.
I mean, couldn’t they have at least marked the article with a ‘spoiler alert’ or something.
Well, I guess it was my fault too, because I shouldn’t have read it, knowing it was bound to contain sensitive information.
Yet again, my insatiable curiously played the spoiler.

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